June through September, the Kenai River is a fisherman’s dream. The upper, middle and lower Kenai offer a range of species and a variety of fishing types and techniques that ensure you’ll have a great time, anytime.
Sockeye (red) salmon runs happen twice per season; the first run in mid-June historically produces a good number of nice-sized fish. The second run from mid-July to early August is typically a bit longer and more abundant, but also busier and more crowded. At either time, you’ll catch some beautiful fish that taste great and make a great freezer-filler!
Coho (silver) salmon are late season favorites on the Kenai, running strong in August with a peak in the middle of the month. These fish are hard fighting, good-sized and super tasty. We also fish Resurrection Bay in our custom near-coastal boats from June through the end of August. Check with your sales associate on whether a “Res Bay Silver Day” fits into your choice dates!
For our king salmon fans, there are two runs each summer on the Kenai: mid-June and mid- to late July. The river is closed for kings in August. In an effort to maintain the presence of our unique stock of Kenai kings, we have implemented a catch and release only policy unless otherwise noted. King salmon fishing is also available peaking in June and early July in Resurrection Bay with the option for retention.
Rainbow trout are a “don’t miss” live action, fly-fishing thrill in the late season and a great option from mid-June throughout the summer. Take advantage of quieter days and the peaceful way of fly-fishing, and maybe you’ll land a trophy-sized rainbow. They feed voraciously on salmon roe left behind by spawning salmon and by September, they are big, fat and fun! Rainbow trout are catch and release only.
Dolly Varden, one of the Kenai’s “coolest” fish are available from mid-June through the end of September. They too feed on the spawning salmon roe and grow in activity and size as the months go by. You’ll love catching one of these beautiful fish on the fly.
The Kenai River is subject to Alaska Fish and Game regulations, and these regulations are subject to change at any time during the season. One of the reasons we have such a beautiful, unspoiled fishing habitat is through careful management. We follow and uphold all AKF&G regulations and will apprise you of significant changes when you arrive.